Friday, October 29, 2010

Anti-freeze, Argentina, Avians, Austrians, Antarctica

So, I kind of decided I would go to Antarctica so I changed my plans a bit and took the bus back from Punta Arenas to my now, base town, of Puerto Natales (where Sang Kyoung and I stayed pre and post Torres del Paine). Sadly, when I arrived in the evening, there had been some sort of mishap on the bus where a liquid leaked into the luggage hold. My duffel bag was soaked. I was assured it was just water but as I got to the hostel I realized in neither smelled nor felt like water. So, I brought some damp items to the tiny bus office and started to complain. They didn seem so concerned. At first I just wanted to find out what was the liquid. Was it water? an automotive chemical? urine and disinfectant from the on board bathroom? (I have some expertise in this area what with college friend, Gil Pearman, and I inadvertently dropped an empty bottle of Blue Nun wine into the chartered LUV bus toilet in 1985 enroute back to Charlottesville from a football game at Georgia Tech--sadly we had to foot the bill for the costly repairs). So, they found out it was antifreeze, mixed with water. I demanded some compensation and I started getting worked up...ranting in my bad spanish. They kindly asked me to calm down, which I did. I then noticed the "smile, youŕe on camera" sign and noticed the security video camera. I can only imagine that the entire bus office crew now gathers to watch the video of the hysterical foreign woman muttering in crappy spanish. I am horrified that this video will get into the hands of the producers of Chiles funniest home videos. In any case, they took me to the laundry and had my damaged goods washed...all the time involved though kept me from going to the really good chocolate cake place.
The following morning I took a bus to El Calafate, in Argentina. The best part was the view--loads of fields of cows and sheep grazing with snow capped mountains in the background, every so often there was a small pond, full of flamingos. I was surprised, amazed and delighted.
I then arrived to El Calafate and within minutes ran into one of the Austrian duo. I do not know if I have previously mentioned them...Sang Kyoung and I met a guy and his dad traveling together from Austria. They were so sweet, and funny, and were our favorite pair (mainly we liked that this guy and his dad were traveling together) so after Torres del Paine, we trawled the streets of Puerto Natales for the better part of two hours hoping to run into them but alas, no. And we regreted that we didn t even have a picture. So, I was delighted to run into Johannes, the younger, and saw him and his dad yesterday afternoon on a walk to the nearby lagoon full of flamingos. I cannot get enough of these pink birds. There were tons of really great birds at the lagoon.
Today, I ran into father and son again at the super amazing Perito Moreno glacier which is the most amazing thing ever...HUGE. Again, my pictures won be good enough so look it up on the internet. Huge, beautiful, amazing.
And on the Antarctica front...Iǘe just handed over my credit card number so it looks like Iḿ in for a trip leaving on NOvember 7th for 11 days. Yikes!


  1. Great pics of stunning views. Have you taken any of flamingos? Not that the cows aren't charming. What, pray tell, is a LUV bus? You know, antifreeze is poisonous, so it's a good thing you didn't give in to the urge to snack on your clothes. (Thanks, no doubt, to the wretched stench of cigarette smoke). I will be searching the You Tube for the video of you at the bus station...what would it be filed under? I mean, what's the Spanish word for "crazy"? So - you're going on an 11 day boat trip to Antarctica. Brian will be pleased. And maybe you'll run across someone playing Spanish Solitaire. I'm sure it will be NOTHING like an 11 day wagon trip to the Grand Canyon (quite a sight for about five minutes, then it's a bore and a long way back to something different/ interesting) because, you know, it will be desolate and cold. Like International Falls, MN. Despite spending months with you in subzero temps, I had no idea you were so enthralled with icy regions and their native wildlife. Perhaps they'll be hiring on the ship. Clearly, the next chapter of your life involves ornithology. I can track down Irene in New Orleans if you want and ask her to shed some light on all of this. What are you doing for the next week while you wait on your ship to come in? xoV

  2. I have taken many a flamingo shot but they are from quite far away and my camera is pretty regular. Also, I did not major in photography in college. I will try to post some later. the luv bus was some acronym (Leisure unlimited vacations maybe??). Yeah, well I had a hard time deciding on the antarctica argument was persuasive...i really don´t want to be sick but i´m hoping it will be okay. I kind of am enthralled with icy regions and the native wildlife. Yeah, I figured the boat could hire me to teach english to the crew. I suggested tha to the cargo ship staff. Yes, please do track down irene. I did another day of hiking and will do so tomorrow and then fly to ushuaia (town where boat leaves from ) and will be there probably too many days but will probably go to tierra del fuego nat. park and some other sights.

  3. Happy Halloween...y El dia de los muertos. Also, I read this and thought you were participating in Foreign Language Friday from afar...
    "Again, my pictures won be good enough so look it up on the internet."

    Miss you.

  4. I miss "Accent Fridays". I miss all of you at school too.
