Friday, October 8, 2010

I will survive!

As most of you who have traveled with me are aware, on each trip there is generally a point where I am convinced that I have contracted an exotic disease. In Malaysia, when I had a nosebleed, I was certain that I had reached the deadly, hemorrhaging phase of Dengue fever. With my friend, Elizabeth, in Thailand, I was sure that I had liver flukes. In both the U.S. and abroad, I´ve been pretty certain that I had rabies and lyme disease. So, I´m sure it comes as no surprise that on this trip, too, I would encounter a deadly disease. I had not mentioned it before as I didn´t want to alarm my parents (who undoubtedly expect the announcement of my certain demise as it happens on every trip). After the 15 hour bus ride, when I arrived in La Serena Tuesday morning, my feet and lower legs were pretty swollen. I convinced myself that I had developed Deep Vein Thrombosis from sitting for hours on the bus imobilzed. The swelling wasn´t horrendous but this hadn´t happened to me before. In addition to the swelling, I noticed that my legs were discolored...kind of blueish gray colored--like bruises but very light colored. I had had on very tight socks and from the sock line at my ankle and upwards was the discolored part--my feet were normal colored. I went to three pharmacies and each pharmacist assured me that I would be fine but they could give me a diuretic so the swelling would go down. I declined and figured I was probably okay. I milled about the town a bit and as I got ready for bed I kind of started to panic...the blue coloring was not just on the lower legs but on the entirety of both legs. I figured the clot in the leg would work its way to my lungs or heart and that I would not make it through the night. So, at about 9:30 p.m. I decided to head out to the local hospital. WHen I went outside, Fabiola, the sister of Meli (my hostess) was getting in her car and asked where I was going. I asked her if, by any chance, she was a nurse. Well, as luck would have it she is a nurse. She came up to my room and took a look at the swollen feet and legs (the swelling had gone down quite a bit by this time) and the discolored bits. I don´t think she had much previous experience with fat legs as she asked what size my legs usually were. I explained that they were big but not that big. She felt my legs, ascertained that I had no pain. She told me that was good as usually a clot would be painful. She suggested I sleep with my legs elevated and helped my jimmy a chair under the foot end of the bed frame. I went to sleep and in the morning the swelling was gone yet the legs were still blue. I did some sight seeing and then decided to call the Kaiser advice nurse in the U.S. to share with her my dilemma. She pointed out that both feet being swollen was good as usually with a clot it is just the one leg. I thought maybe I should go to a doctor but figured I would wait until Valparaiso or Santiago as they would likely have better facilities. Yesterday afternoon I went to the hospital clinic here but the line was really long so after waiting quite awhile, without them calling even one person´s number, I left. I figured I could go in Santiago. So last night I showered and got ready for bed. I hung up the white towel on a hanger in the window sill to dry. It was the craziest thing, the towel looked as if it could have some kind of blueish gray stains on it. Could it be? I dampened the towel and rubbed my leg vigorously and the blue came off on the towel. It seems I do not have deep vein thrombosis but a case of dark wash lightweight denim pants. Seems the dye has been wearing off on my legs. I´ll try to answer your questions. Yes, I had washed these pants a number of times before. Yes, I had worn these pants all night on the bus and the following day. Yes, I had showered but didn´t feel that I should scrub my swollen legs with hot water. Oddly, my hands had been very dirty for the last couple of days too. I guess from resting my hands on my lap on the bus rides. It took a lot of scrubbing to get the dark part off my hands. I just figured it was really polluted here. So, for the last three days I have been in something of a panic about the alleged blood clot but I´m pretty sure I am in the clear. To celebrate, I wore khaki pants today and did fabulous sight seeing without the fear of impending doom. I walked out to the pier, to the great market (I love markets), way up one of the hills to the Pablo Neruda house, back down to one of the hills in the historic area where I had a fabulous lunch. Generally you can get a pretty good meal for about 4 dollars but I decided to "splurge" by spending about 12 dollars for a tremendously delicious three course meal and an excellent glass of wine at a really cute bistro type place. It was so good. I had been avoiding wine due to the disease and all but now it´s a definite go. I must say, I had to come back to the lodging here to rest up after the big and tasty meal. Today is a lovely day...sunny and about 70. As it is spring there are lots of flowers in bloom including lots of very sweet smelling lilacs. It´s so much nicer when you don´t think you are about to die.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you survived this trips "disease". Good to have it over with early, I think. The rest of the adventures sound spectacular. Thanks for blogging so the rest of us can live vicariously!! Michelle K.
